
Game Highs and Lows

Game Highs Summary
Team Game Highs
Player Game Highs

Game-by-Game Highs

Vincennes Game-by-Game Highs (as of Mar 21, 2007) All games Opponent Date Score WL POINTS REBOUNDS ASSISTS STEALS BLOCKED SHOTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANCILLA 11/3/06 93-59 W 18-Sean Smith 13-D'Ante Harris 12-DeAndre Byrd 4-DeAndre Byrd 2-Pat Posey ALLEGANY 11/4/06 100-67 W 28-Sean Smith 10-Sean Smith 10-DeAndre Byrd 3-Pat Posey 4-Sean Smith Sean Smith JOHN A. LOGAN 11/7/06 66-78 L 16-Sean Smith 8-DeAndre Byrd 4-Sean Smith 2-DeAndre Byrd 3-Sean Smith Jeff Mattingl LAKE LAND 11/11/06 106-39 W 19-D'Ante Harris 10-Carl Baucham 11-DeAndre Byrd 2-D'Ante Harris 4-DeAndre Byrd at Southeastern Illinois 11/14/06 73-79 L 19-D'Ante Harris 11-Sean Smith 5-Rashad Reed 1-Sean Smith 2-Zvonko Buljan Zvonko Buljan at Wabash Valley 11/18/06 73-58 W 19-Rashad Reed 8-Carl Baucham 9-DeAndre Byrd 3-Rashad Reed 2-Carl Baucham OLNEY CENTRAL 11/27/06 92-84 W 20-Rashad Reed 8-Sean Smith 8-DeAndre Byrd 3-DeAndre Byrd 3-Carl Baucham at Southeastern Iowa 12/2/06 67-76 L 17-D'Ante Harris 10-Pat Posey 3-Rashad Reed 2-DeAndre Byrd 1-Carl Baucham DeAndre Byrd SOUTHEASTERN ILLINOIS 12/5/06 66-65 W 23-Sean Smith 7-Carl Baucham 3-D'Ante Harris 2-DeAndre Byrd 2-Sean Smith vs Three Rivers 12/10/06 77-67 W 15-DeAndre Byrd 5-Sean Smith 6-DeAndre Byrd 3-DeAndre Byrd 3-DeAndre Byrd at Kaskaskia 12/14/06 88-69 W 24-Sean Smith 10-Sean Smith 8-DeAndre Byrd 1-Pat Posey 2-Carl Baucham Carl Baucham DeAndre Byrd MISSOURI STATE-WEST PLAIN 12/16/06 70-57 W 15-Pat Posey 9-D'Ante Harris 7-Rashad Reed 1-Sean Smith 1-Carl Baucham D'Ante Harris D'Ante Harris Sean Smith DeAndre Byrd DeAndre Byrd D'Lancy Carte COLLEGE OF LAKE COUNTY 12/29/06 90-59 W 14-Sean Smith 7-Sean Smith 7-D'Ante Harris 1-DeAndre Byrd 2-Carl Baucham Rashad Reed D'Ante Harris HAGERSTOWN 12/30/06 91-65 W 20-D'Ante Harris 8-Zvonko Buljan 7-DeAndre Byrd 2-Jeff Mattingl 2-Pat Posey DeAndre Byrd at John A. Logan 1/3/07 59-66 L 12-Sean Smith 7-Zvonko Buljan 6-D'Ante Harris 1-Rashad Reed 3-Sean Smith Sean Smith Sean Smith Pat Posey KENNEDY-KING 1/6/07 55-60 L 19-D'Ante Harris 6-Sean Smith 4-Rashad Reed 1-Carl Baucham 1-Sean Smith Zvonko Buljan D'Lancy Carte D'Ante Harris Rashad Reed Pat Posey DeAndre Byrd at Kankakee 1/9/07 75-61 W 12-DeAndre Byrd 10-Zvonko Buljan 8-DeAndre Byrd 3-Sean Smith 4-Pat Posey D'Ante Harris SOUTHEASTERN IOWA 1/13/07 72-68 W 19-Zvonko Buljan 7-Zvonko Buljan 5-Rashad Reed 2-Rashad Reed 4-Sean Smith ELDON ACADEMY 1/16/07 91-56 W 18-D'Ante Harris 11-Carl Baucham 6-DeAndre Byrd 2-Rashad Reed 1-D'Lancy Carte Sean Smith Cameron John- Zvonko Buljan LINCOLN TRAIL 1/20/07 83-60 W 20-D'Ante Harris 10-Sean Smith 9-DeAndre Byrd 3-DeAndre Byrd 2-Sean Smith CINCINNATI STATE 1/22/07 94-79 W 25-Rashad Reed 8-D'Ante Harris 7-DeAndre Byrd 1-DeAndre Byrd 2-D'Lancy Carte D'Ante Harris D'Ante Harris ST. LOUIS-FLORISSANT VALL 1/26/07 75-41 W 30-D'Ante Harris 11-Sean Smith 7-DeAndre Byrd 3-DeAndre Byrd 3-Sean Smith MALCOLM X 1/27/07 101-51 W 15-R.J. Wells 13-Carl Baucham 10-DeAndre Byrd 1-Sean Smith 4-Carl Baucham D'Ante Harris Jeff Mattingl Cameron John- at McKendree JV 2/1/07 94-40 W 20-Rashad Reed 11-Sean Smith 7-DeAndre Byrd 2-DeAndre Byrd 1-Carl Baucham KANKAKEE 2/5/07 75-66 W 23-D'Ante Harris 12-Zvonko Buljan 9-D'Ante Harris 1-DeAndre Byrd 2-Sean Smith at South Suburban 2/10/07 67-61 W 19-Sean Smith 10-DeAndre Byrd 5-Rashad Reed 1-D'Lancy Carte 5-Sean Smith DeAndre Byrd WABASH VALLEY 2/19/07 77-85 OL 23-Rashad Reed 7-D'Ante Harris 6-Rashad Reed 2-DeAndre Byrd 3-DeAndre Byrd
Vincennes Game-by-Game Highs (as of Mar 21, 2007) All games Opponent Date Score WL POINTS REBOUNDS ASSISTS STEALS BLOCKED SHOTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ at Kennedy-King 2/24/07 75-58 W 17-Sean Smith 9-DeAndre Byrd 5-Rashad Reed 3-Sean Smith 2-Sean Smith D'Ante Harris at Lincoln Trail 2/27/07 53-51 W 13-D'Ante Harris 9-Pat Posey 4-DeAndre Byrd 1-Zvonko Buljan 7-Sean Smith Rashad Reed Rashad Reed Sean Smith at Kirtland 3/3/07 117-59 W 18-Rashad Reed 9-Zvonko Buljan 6-DeAndre Byrd 3-Zvonko Buljan 2-Pat Posey D'Ante Harris at Lake Region State 3/11/07 84-58 W 23-Rashad Reed 14-Zvonko Buljan 8-D'Ante Harris 2-Sean Smith 5-Sean Smith vs Southern Idaho 3/20/07 69-80 L 15-D'Lancy Carte 9-Sean Smith 3-Sean Smith 2-Zvonko Buljan None Sean Smith Zvonko Buljan vs Southwest Tennessee 3/21/07 77-84 L 21-Sean Smith 7-Zvonko Buljan 4-Rashad Reed 1-Zvonko Buljan None DeAndre Byrd Rashad Reed DeAndre Byrd Sean Smith

Team High/Low Analysis

Vincennes Team High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 21, 2007) All games Vincennes - TEAM GAME HIGHS POINTS..................... 117 at Kirtland (3/3/07) 106 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) 101 vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) 100 vs Allegany (11/4/06) 94 at McKendree JV (2/1/07) 94 vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) FIELD GOALS MADE........... 44 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) 42 at Kirtland (3/3/07) 42 vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 84 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) 84 vs Ancilla (11/3/06) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .617 (37-60) vs Olney Central (11/27/06) .600 (36-60) at McKendree JV (2/1/07) 3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 13 vs Allegany (11/4/06) 12 at Kirtland (3/3/07) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 30 vs Allegany (11/4/06) 28 at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) 3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .522 (12-23) at Kirtland (3/3/07) .500 ( 5-10) at Wabash Valley (11/18/06) FREE THROWS MADE........... 27 vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) 26 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 33 vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) 33 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .818 (27-33) vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) .800 (12-15) at Southeastern Illinois (11/14/06) REBOUNDS................... 64 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) 57 vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) ASSISTS.................... 35 at Kirtland (3/3/07) 32 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) STEALS..................... 11 vs Allegany (11/4/06) 8 vs Three Rivers (12/10/06) 8 at Wabash Valley (11/18/06) BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 13 vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) 13 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) TURNOVERS.................. 28 vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) 27 at Kankakee (1/9/07) FOULS...................... 25 at Kankakee (1/9/07) 24 vs Malcolm X (1/27/07)
Vincennes High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 21, 2007) All games Opponent - GAME HIGHS POINTS..................... 85 vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 84 vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 84 vs Olney Central (11/27/06) 80 vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 79 vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) 79 at Southeastern Illinois (11/14/06) FIELD GOALS MADE........... 37 vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 34 vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 75 at Kirtland (3/3/07) 72 at South Suburban (2/10/07) 72 vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .544 (37-68) vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) .527 (29-55) vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 14 vs Olney Central (11/27/06) 10 vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 10 vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 29 vs Olney Central (11/27/06) 23 vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) 3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .500 (10-20) vs Kankakee (2/5/07) .500 ( 8-16) at Southeastern Illinois (11/14/06) .500 ( 4-8 ) vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) FREE THROWS MADE........... 22 at Kankakee (1/9/07) 21 at Kaskaskia (12/14/06) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 32 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 30 vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 30 at Kaskaskia (12/14/06) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .880 (22-25) at Kankakee (1/9/07) .842 (16-19) vs Three Rivers (12/10/06) REBOUNDS................... 38 at South Suburban (2/10/07) 38 at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) ASSISTS.................... 24 vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 19 at John A. Logan (1/3/07) STEALS..................... 11 vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 8 vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 8 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 9 vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 9 vs Southeastern Iowa (1/13/07) TURNOVERS.................. 27 at Kirtland (3/3/07) 26 vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) FOULS...................... 25 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 24 vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) 24 vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07)
Vincennes High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 21, 2007) All games Vincennes - GAME LOWS POINTS..................... 53 at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 55 vs Kennedy-King (1/6/07) 59 at John A. Logan (1/3/07) 66 vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) 66 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) FIELD GOALS MADE........... 18 vs Kennedy-King (1/6/07) 19 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 43 at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 51 vs Kennedy-King (1/6/07) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .343 (23-67) at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) .343 (23-67) at John A. Logan (1/3/07) 3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 2 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 3 vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) 3 at John A. Logan (1/3/07) 3 at South Suburban (2/10/07) 3 at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 3 vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 10 at Wabash Valley (11/18/06) 10 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 10 at South Suburban (2/10/07) 3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .160 ( 4-25) vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) .176 ( 3-17) vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) FREE THROWS MADE........... 7 at Kankakee (1/9/07) 8 at Kaskaskia (12/14/06) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 10 at Kankakee (1/9/07) 13 vs Ancilla (11/3/06) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .545 (12-22) vs Three Rivers (12/10/06) .550 (11-20) vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) REBOUNDS................... 25 vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) 25 vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) ASSISTS.................... 7 at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) 11 vs Kennedy-King (1/6/07) 11 vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) STEALS..................... 1 vs Kennedy-King (1/6/07) 1 vs Kankakee (2/5/07) BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 0 vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 0 vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) TURNOVERS.................. 9 at Lake Region State (3/11/07) 11 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) 11 at South Suburban (2/10/07) 11 vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) FOULS...................... 9 at McKendree JV (2/1/07) 11 at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07)
Vincennes High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 21, 2007) All games Opponent - GAME LOWS POINTS..................... 39 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) 40 at McKendree JV (2/1/07) 41 vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 51 vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) 51 at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) FIELD GOALS MADE........... 12 vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 14 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) 14 at McKendree JV (2/1/07) FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS........ 47 at McKendree JV (2/1/07) 48 vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE...... .219 (14-64) vs Lake Land (11/11/06) .250 (12-48) vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 3 PT FIELD GOALS MADE...... 1 vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 2 vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) 2 vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS........... 8 at John A. Logan (1/3/07) 8 vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 8 vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 3 PT FG PERCENTAGE......... .125 ( 1-8 ) vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) .125 ( 2-16) vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) FREE THROWS MADE........... 3 at South Suburban (2/10/07) 3 at Lake Region State (3/11/07) FREE THROW ATTEMPTS........ 7 at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 7 at Lake Region State (3/11/07) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE...... .333 ( 4-12) at Wabash Valley (11/18/06) .375 ( 3-8 ) at South Suburban (2/10/07) REBOUNDS................... 16 at McKendree JV (2/1/07) 19 vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) ASSISTS.................... 5 at McKendree JV (2/1/07) 6 vs Missouri State-West Plains (12/16/06) 6 at Kankakee (1/9/07) STEALS..................... 0 at Kankakee (1/9/07) 0 at Lake Region State (3/11/07) BLOCKED SHOTS.............. 0 vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 0 vs Eldon Academy (1/16/07) 0 vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) 0 at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 0 vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) TURNOVERS.................. 10 at Kaskaskia (12/14/06) 11 vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) FOULS...................... 13 vs Ancilla (11/3/06) 14 vs Lake Land (11/11/06) 14 vs Eldon Academy (1/16/07) 14 at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 14 at Lake Region State (3/11/07)

Player High/Low Analysis

Vincennes Player High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 21, 2007) All games Vincennes - INDIVIDUAL GAME HIGHS POINTS....................... 30 D'Ante Harris vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 28 Sean Smith vs Allegany (11/4/06) 25 Rashad Reed vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) 24 Sean Smith at Kaskaskia (12/14/06) 23 Rashad Reed at Lake Region State (3/11/07) 23 Rashad Reed vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 23 D'Ante Harris vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 23 Sean Smith vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) FIELD GOALS MADE............. 11 Sean Smith at Kaskaskia (12/14/06) 9 Sean Smith vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 9 D'Ante Harris vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 9 D'Ante Harris vs Lake Land (11/11/06) FIELD GOAL ATT............... 18 D'Ante Harris vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 18 D'Ante Harris vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) FG PCT (min 5 made).......... 1.000 ( 6-6 ) Zvonko Buljan vs Three Rivers (12/10/06) .875 ( 7-8 ) Pat Posey vs Missouri State-West Plains (12/16/06) 3 PT FG MADE................. 6 Rashad Reed at McKendree JV (2/1/07) 5 Rashad Reed vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS............. 9 D'Ante Harris at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) 9 Rashad Reed at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) 3-PT FG PCT (min 2 made)..... 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Jeff Mattingly vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) D'Lancy Carter vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Cameron John-Proctor vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Cameron John-Proctor at Kankakee (1/9/07) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Cameron John-Proctor vs College of Lake County (12/29/06) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Rashad Reed vs College of Lake County (12/29/06) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) D'Ante Harris vs Missouri State-West Plains (12/16/06) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Zvonko Buljan at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) 1.000 ( 2-2 ) Zvonko Buljan at Southeastern Illinois (11/14/06) FREE THROWS MADE............. 12 D'Ante Harris at Kennedy-King (2/24/07) 11 D'Ante Harris vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 11 Rashad Reed vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) 11 Sean Smith vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) FREE THROW ATT............... 16 D'Ante Harris at Kennedy-King (2/24/07) 13 D'Ante Harris vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) FT PCT (min 3 made).......... 1.000 ( 6-6 ) D'Ante Harris vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) 1.000 ( 6-6 ) Sean Smith vs Ancilla (11/3/06) 1.000 ( 5-5 ) D'Ante Harris vs Eldon Academy (1/16/07) 1.000 ( 5-5 ) Zvonko Buljan vs College of Lake County (12/29/06) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Carl Baucham vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Zvonko Buljan at Kennedy-King (2/24/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) D'Ante Harris at South Suburban (2/10/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Sean Smith vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Sean Smith vs Olney Central (11/27/06) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) D'Lancy Carter vs Allegany (11/4/06) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) D'Ante Harris vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Carl Baucham vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Sean Smith vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) REBOUNDS..................... 14 Zvonko Buljan at Lake Region State (3/11/07) 13 Carl Baucham vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) 13 D'Ante Harris vs Ancilla (11/3/06) ASSISTS...................... 12 DeAndre Byrd vs Ancilla (11/3/06) 11 DeAndre Byrd vs Lake Land (11/11/06) STEALS....................... 4 DeAndre Byrd vs Ancilla (11/3/06) 3 Zvonko Buljan at Kirtland (3/3/07) 3 Sean Smith at Kennedy-King (2/24/07) 3 DeAndre Byrd vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 3 DeAndre Byrd vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) 3 Sean Smith at Kankakee (1/9/07) 3 DeAndre Byrd vs Three Rivers (12/10/06) 3 DeAndre Byrd vs Olney Central (11/27/06) 3 Rashad Reed at Wabash Valley (11/18/06) 3 Pat Posey vs Allegany (11/4/06) 3 Sean Smith vs Allegany (11/4/06) BLOCKED SHOTS................ 7 Sean Smith at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 5 Sean Smith at Lake Region State (3/11/07) 5 Sean Smith at South Suburban (2/10/07) TURNOVERS.................... 7 Sean Smith at Kankakee (1/9/07) 6 Rashad Reed vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 6 DeAndre Byrd vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 6 Sean Smith at South Suburban (2/10/07) 6 DeAndre Byrd vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) 6 Rashad Reed vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 6 D'Ante Harris vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) FOULS........................ 5 DeAndre Byrd vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 5 Zvonko Buljan at Kennedy-King (2/24/07) 5 Zvonko Buljan vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 5 Zvonko Buljan at Kankakee (1/9/07) 5 Sean Smith at Kankakee (1/9/07) 5 Zvonko Buljan at Southeastern Illinois (11/14/06)
Vincennes High/Low Analysis (as of Mar 21, 2007) All games OPPONENT INDIVIDUAL GAME HIGHS POINTS....................... 26 Donald Boone vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 26 Donovan O'Neil at South Suburban (2/10/07) 25 D.J. Posley at John A. Logan (1/3/07) 24 Desmond Stephens vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 24 D.J. Posley vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) FIELD GOALS MADE............. 11 Donald Boone vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 11 Donovan O'Neil at South Suburban (2/10/07) 11 Trenton Calloway vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) FIELD GOAL ATT............... 28 Brian Christian at Kirtland (3/3/07) 22 Kenny Hayes vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) FG PCT (min 5 made).......... .917 (11-12) Trenton Calloway vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) .857 ( 6-7 ) Veljko Lalovic at Lake Region State (3/11/07) 3 PT FG MADE................. 6 Menji Mundadi vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 5 Brad Garrett vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 5 Desmond Stephens vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 3 PT FG ATTEMPTS............. 10 Jason Simon at Kennedy-King (2/24/07) 10 Desmond Stephens vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 3-PT FG PCT (min 2 made)..... 1.000 ( 2-2 ) John Young vs Eldon Academy (1/16/07) .750 ( 3-4 ) Jon Heyland vs Southeastern Iowa (1/13/07) .750 ( 3-4 ) Mantas Griskenas vs Three Rivers (12/10/06) .750 ( 3-4 ) KiJuane Leach vs Olney Central (11/27/06) .750 ( 3-4 ) Pat McCormick vs Olney Central (11/27/06) FREE THROWS MADE............. 9 Desmond Stephens vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 8 Tavell Cobbins vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) 8 Michael Harrington at Kankakee (1/9/07) FREE THROW ATT............... 12 Tavell Cobbins vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) 10 Brandon Stores vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 10 Sol Byrd vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 10 Tarrance Fraser vs Eldon Academy (1/16/07) 10 Desmond Stephens vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) FT PCT (min 3 made).......... 1.000 ( 6-6 ) Bryan Sherrer vs Three Rivers (12/10/06) 1.000 ( 5-5 ) Keon Grant vs Lincoln Trail (1/20/07) 1.000 ( 5-5 ) Juenile Ervin at Kankakee (1/9/07) 1.000 ( 5-5 ) Alden Smith at Kaskaskia (12/14/06) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Mark Hudson vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Petar Maric at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Norman Anderson vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Andre Elliott vs Southeastern Iowa (1/13/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) David Wilson vs Kennedy-King (1/6/07) 1.000 ( 4-4 ) Jarell Thomas vs Kennedy-King (1/6/07) 1.000 ( 3-3 ) Marcus Sugars vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) REBOUNDS..................... 12 Nathan Schumacher vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) 11 Leroy Allen at Kirtland (3/3/07) 11 Olajide Hay at Southeastern Illinois (11/14/06) ASSISTS...................... 8 Dwyane Harmason vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) 8 B.J. Williams vs Allegany (11/4/06) STEALS....................... 3 Donald Boone vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 3 Emmanuel Cheers vs Southwest Tennessee (3/21/07) 3 Juan Pattillo vs Southern Idaho (3/20/07) 3 Travis Marion vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 3 Andre Wilson vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 3 Billy Rush at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) 3 Jared Rehmel vs Olney Central (11/27/06) 3 Lucas Steijn vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) BLOCKED SHOTS................ 5 Deontay Wright vs Kankakee (2/5/07) 5 Jaron Ward vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) TURNOVERS.................... 8 Marlo Davis at Lake Region State (3/11/07) 8 Tyrone Dunlap at Kennedy-King (2/24/07) 8 Josiah Miller vs John A. Logan (11/7/06) FOULS........................ 5 Matt Tompkins at Kirtland (3/3/07) 5 Mark Schaefer at Kirtland (3/3/07) 5 Petar Maric at Lincoln Trail (2/27/07) 5 Dexter Powell vs Wabash Valley (2/19/07) 5 Luther Andrews at South Suburban (2/10/07) 5 Isom Woods vs Malcolm X (1/27/07) 5 A.J. Johnson vs St. Louis-Florissant Valley (1/26/07) 5 Kurt Dukes vs Cincinnati State (1/22/07) 5 Francisco Romero vs Eldon Academy (1/16/07) 5 Richard Acevedo vs Kennedy-King (1/6/07) 5 Ryan Henry vs Hagerstown (12/30/06) 5 Olajide Hay vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 5 Desmond Stephens vs Southeastern Illinois (12/5/06) 5 Jon Heyland at Southeastern Iowa (12/2/06) 5 Josh Jones vs Olney Central (11/27/06) 5 Reece Cheatham at Wabash Valley (11/18/06) 5 Damion Gardner at Southeastern Illinois (11/14/06) 5 Calvin Lee vs Allegany (11/4/06)